a random question,a classic dysfunctional affair and the tale begins:
Once upon a time there was a bald frog.he was a unique frog.able to put all eyes on him when he started singing.but his insecurity about his appearance made him sing only at night.hidden among the rocks in the middle of the river.when no one could see him. and no one could hold him.
He was enjoying the appreciation and admiration that his audience offered.he didn't have to do anything to survive.his food was provided by his dedicated and enchanted admirers.there were lines of princesses waiting and asking to see to touch the singing frog.
There was a rumour that frog was a prince that his narcissism angered a witch and transformed him to a frog.and because he mostly loved his hair she made him bald too.
Time passed and his fame spread..He started to feel like a prince again. thought it was time to present himself.but how he could do it without revealing his bald head?
he needed this veil of mystery that made him even more wanted... so he made a wig.and decided to start singing the time the declining sun thickened the shadows.
He made it..now even more enchanted people filled the river shore...he had the experience to rivet their attention and with his wig specially made to shine when sun fell upon them he was irresistible.safe,wanted and shadowy..the prince he always wanted to be....
At the shore.among the crowd.there was one princess that was ready to jump in the river and join him.she was staying late listening to him..they came closer after a while. she was also enchanted by his voice.she always was vulnerable to uniqueness.at her years of adolescence she was in love with a prince that used to sing to her every night ...she lived magical moments until he left her..growing up she always was keen to singing people.she could barely stand talking to man that could not sing...
Finally one night she jumped in the river and joined him.she was so flattered of his voice that even when she understood that he had nothing else to offer to her she stayed by his side.she asked him to come out to the shore.she knew how to break the spell.but he needed to take off his wig and work for his survival.this was what the witch wanted from him.he was always finding excuses to stay there.on his rock.with his admirers his safety and the princess to love him.he could love her..but the allure of having what you want with out trying overcame his feelings....
Princess realised that shore is the place where she should live. the place to seek for her prince.. she always loved the shore.the open space.the wind. she loved laying on the grass.she could not live happy on the rock .frog's voice may still made her fly but she could land now on her feet when she wanted.
She made her final offer to the frog.she told him to come for a long walk and try work out together even if would never become a prince.she knew that the end would come even if frog said yes.he was now living with his mirror..the river.so came the day that princess waved him goodbye...
She never stopped loving his voice.but never jumped to the river again. and frog kept singing on his rock..watching his reflection at the river. always surrounded by other princesses.. always safe.with his wig shining when sun was setting......
And they lived happily ever after..
Now kids...what do we learn from this story?
Once upon a time there was a bald frog.he was a unique frog.able to put all eyes on him when he started singing.but his insecurity about his appearance made him sing only at night.hidden among the rocks in the middle of the river.when no one could see him. and no one could hold him.
He was enjoying the appreciation and admiration that his audience offered.he didn't have to do anything to survive.his food was provided by his dedicated and enchanted admirers.there were lines of princesses waiting and asking to see to touch the singing frog.
There was a rumour that frog was a prince that his narcissism angered a witch and transformed him to a frog.and because he mostly loved his hair she made him bald too.
Time passed and his fame spread..He started to feel like a prince again. thought it was time to present himself.but how he could do it without revealing his bald head?
he needed this veil of mystery that made him even more wanted... so he made a wig.and decided to start singing the time the declining sun thickened the shadows.
He made it..now even more enchanted people filled the river shore...he had the experience to rivet their attention and with his wig specially made to shine when sun fell upon them he was irresistible.safe,wanted and shadowy..the prince he always wanted to be....
At the shore.among the crowd.there was one princess that was ready to jump in the river and join him.she was staying late listening to him..they came closer after a while. she was also enchanted by his voice.she always was vulnerable to uniqueness.at her years of adolescence she was in love with a prince that used to sing to her every night ...she lived magical moments until he left her..growing up she always was keen to singing people.she could barely stand talking to man that could not sing...
Finally one night she jumped in the river and joined him.she was so flattered of his voice that even when she understood that he had nothing else to offer to her she stayed by his side.she asked him to come out to the shore.she knew how to break the spell.but he needed to take off his wig and work for his survival.this was what the witch wanted from him.he was always finding excuses to stay there.on his rock.with his admirers his safety and the princess to love him.he could love her..but the allure of having what you want with out trying overcame his feelings....
Princess realised that shore is the place where she should live. the place to seek for her prince.. she always loved the shore.the open space.the wind. she loved laying on the grass.she could not live happy on the rock .frog's voice may still made her fly but she could land now on her feet when she wanted.
She made her final offer to the frog.she told him to come for a long walk and try work out together even if would never become a prince.she knew that the end would come even if frog said yes.he was now living with his mirror..the river.so came the day that princess waved him goodbye...
She never stopped loving his voice.but never jumped to the river again. and frog kept singing on his rock..watching his reflection at the river. always surrounded by other princesses.. always safe.with his wig shining when sun was setting......
And they lived happily ever after..
Now kids...what do we learn from this story?
Νομίζω ότι, όλα μέσα στο μυαλό μας είναι τελικά...Και οι πρίκιπες και οι πριγκίπισες και κυρίως, τα μάγια...
αυτό είναι, θα λέγαμε, η χειραφέτηση των φύλων...
που τελικά οδηγεί στη μοναξιά.
την οποία ομορφαίνει η τέχνη.
έτσι απλά..
αυτό είναι, θα λέγαμε, η χειραφέτηση των φύλων...
που τελικά οδηγεί στη μοναξιά.
την οποία ομορφαίνει η τέχνη.
έτσι απλά..
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