Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Balanced: a man running a constant battle in his head
{an endless battle that has no winner or loser.a balanced person can manipulate the two(or more) sides and keeps the 'game' going on or drives the outcome to a tie and a rematch.the number of casualties and the condition of the battle field defines whether it needs to be changed or not.a plan.a compass}

Unbalanced: a man giving countless battles in his head
{long or short-term(mostly) battles without interferences and reconstitution.
an unbalanced person lets the 'game' roll and is carried away by it's alternations.
lives for the crevasses on the castle walls and waits to see the color of the flag when the ship comes back.a wet map.a pencil}

source: obscure diction society

Current equation:
{(foolish + incoherence) - 45% melancholy)} + time to spare = ?

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