I own a honeycomb of desires.
a swarm of drones bounding me inside it.
steriled working bees feeding back my memories
and a queen bee in a fecundity state.
breath in thyme scented looks and promises,
breath out music. dressing Dionysus thymeles.
You. dressed in black.your shadow pale.
your nails warm and sharp.
sinking in my mellow hives.
You.hungry and betrayed.
giving in yourself to lust.
harvesting fear and conceit.
gulping them in orgasmic shots.
basting on your wounds their leftovers...
Friday, July 25, 2008
a bite,a bit.....
it's your look that can break mirrors and melt their frames...
and this irrestible desire to,while you conquer that mirror,
weld the chain links that bend us in the utmost orgasm
with a bite beneath your lobe,
your pulse in my jaws.
shattered our anxieties,stinging our naked feet.
it's your absense,or is it your inexistence
that sheds crystal roses on my path?
and this irrestible desire to,while you conquer that mirror,
weld the chain links that bend us in the utmost orgasm
with a bite beneath your lobe,
your pulse in my jaws.
shattered our anxieties,stinging our naked feet.
it's your absense,or is it your inexistence
that sheds crystal roses on my path?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
road to lullaby...
Traffic Jam..
…He spent days and nights licking his own lips, tasting the fading pleasure of her dust. Resurrecting desires and plans out of the deepest and sultriest mind wells.
…She was always there. At the same park. Among the Acer’s branches, tearing decency to little pieces of melting lust.
…Contacting each other by breathing in- breathing out cigarette fumes for goodnight…
After a while lungs were filled with sweet whipping sounds and goodnight became a salty clearance.
She was a fairy. He was a carpenter. His life was to work on dead wood. She lived in woods when they used to be alive. Jammed obstacles building a wall.
A long and trackless detour or a hitch-hike back to the night before tasting?
Why didn’t they live in a dream theatre, where his conscious would fight with his instincts and her weakness would dry her wings while her skin would get softer?
At least they would have left their mark on poetry’s tree. Her wings shaped on its bole by his fingernails.
Babel swallowed one more agony, digested it and offered one more fast lane leading to the traffic jam…
…He spent days and nights licking his own lips, tasting the fading pleasure of her dust. Resurrecting desires and plans out of the deepest and sultriest mind wells.
…She was always there. At the same park. Among the Acer’s branches, tearing decency to little pieces of melting lust.
…Contacting each other by breathing in- breathing out cigarette fumes for goodnight…
After a while lungs were filled with sweet whipping sounds and goodnight became a salty clearance.
She was a fairy. He was a carpenter. His life was to work on dead wood. She lived in woods when they used to be alive. Jammed obstacles building a wall.
A long and trackless detour or a hitch-hike back to the night before tasting?
Why didn’t they live in a dream theatre, where his conscious would fight with his instincts and her weakness would dry her wings while her skin would get softer?
At least they would have left their mark on poetry’s tree. Her wings shaped on its bole by his fingernails.
Babel swallowed one more agony, digested it and offered one more fast lane leading to the traffic jam…
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
road to a lullaby....
It was late. Midnight. Babel was cooked at low temperature. Spring was only in calendars. Jonathan had no sleep. Suburbs were too tempting to be disregarded. He had a long time to walk. We can’t count the visits at his friends. After all they were a block away. He wanted to walk through the park, see the people at night. He was not asking for a co-walker he had this peeping mood..
Jonathan was a carpenter. But he loved the smell of wood and grass when those were alive. He also loved the sound of the city fading away and the lights of the skyscrapers when air made leaves rustle. He sat on a bench. Just before the subway entrance. This mix of nature’s mystery and the smell of darkness was what he needed.
He needed no clubbing, he had Havana’s best club at his hands. He was full of sounds. He needed no scents. He was sniffing maples and city’s leftovers.
Orgasmic dances of substances at his mind were violently interrupted. A pair of wings. It’s sound. An alluring buzz. Tracking it down was easy. A few meters above his shoulder, sitting on an Acer’s orange leaf was a fairy. A fairy that the sound of her wings was just a gulp of considerateness comparing to her figure. He knew she was always here, another creature of Babel. Another piece of lust that was gifted with wings and stardust. He didn’t know what was worst. That she could use them to attack or defense herself?
She seemed friendly when he told her that her sound made him dream of wet alleys. .
He offered a drink. He asked her to sit at his hand. She flew around him giving a smile with a dark nuance. She sat on his knees.
Her eyes, under the veil of tiredness they were wearing, could tell a thousand stories.
She was wearing a black dress. Her hair was pulled back and she was wiping the stardust of her legs. This move and her soft sheer skin revealed under the flimsy dress were giving the clumsy grace of an adolescent girl to her.
She had a bad winter. She had times that fairies could have. She could be a teacher.
Time was passing, with her at his knees and her eyes and voice liven up.
He asked for her stardust before leaving.
She told him that if he had it he would have to be careful.
Her gift was that with the stardust he could get a wish. A wish that would have effects to both of them. She took some specks of her dust right of her thigh and placed her fingers just out of his mouth.
It was late. Midnight. Babel was cooked at low temperature. Spring was only in calendars. Jonathan had no sleep. Suburbs were too tempting to be disregarded. He had a long time to walk. We can’t count the visits at his friends. After all they were a block away. He wanted to walk through the park, see the people at night. He was not asking for a co-walker he had this peeping mood..
Jonathan was a carpenter. But he loved the smell of wood and grass when those were alive. He also loved the sound of the city fading away and the lights of the skyscrapers when air made leaves rustle. He sat on a bench. Just before the subway entrance. This mix of nature’s mystery and the smell of darkness was what he needed.
He needed no clubbing, he had Havana’s best club at his hands. He was full of sounds. He needed no scents. He was sniffing maples and city’s leftovers.
Orgasmic dances of substances at his mind were violently interrupted. A pair of wings. It’s sound. An alluring buzz. Tracking it down was easy. A few meters above his shoulder, sitting on an Acer’s orange leaf was a fairy. A fairy that the sound of her wings was just a gulp of considerateness comparing to her figure. He knew she was always here, another creature of Babel. Another piece of lust that was gifted with wings and stardust. He didn’t know what was worst. That she could use them to attack or defense herself?
She seemed friendly when he told her that her sound made him dream of wet alleys. .
He offered a drink. He asked her to sit at his hand. She flew around him giving a smile with a dark nuance. She sat on his knees.
Her eyes, under the veil of tiredness they were wearing, could tell a thousand stories.
She was wearing a black dress. Her hair was pulled back and she was wiping the stardust of her legs. This move and her soft sheer skin revealed under the flimsy dress were giving the clumsy grace of an adolescent girl to her.
She had a bad winter. She had times that fairies could have. She could be a teacher.
Time was passing, with her at his knees and her eyes and voice liven up.
He asked for her stardust before leaving.
She told him that if he had it he would have to be careful.
Her gift was that with the stardust he could get a wish. A wish that would have effects to both of them. She took some specks of her dust right of her thigh and placed her fingers just out of his mouth.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Raw thoughts

Αρκεί η ιεραποστολική στάση με τα ρουθούνια κ τα μάτια διογκωμένα ..τα δόντια να σημαδεύουν τον πόθο μας….και έτσι αρραβωνιαζόμαστε μια από τις νόθες κόρες του χρόνου…τις στιγμές….αποτέλεσμα τις δικιάς του ιεραποστολικής εμπειρίας με την τελειότητα…
Με παρόμοια χαρακτηριστικά , αλλά συνήθως περδικλωμένοι με τα πόδια ανοιχτά και ανάσκελα στην ιεραποστολική στάση, μας κλέβει –με την έννοια της αποκόλλησης από το οικείο περιβάλλον και σκοπό την ολοκλήρωση της πράξης – και μας κακοποιεί η αλήθεια….
Η μόνη επαναλαμβανομένη παρθενογένεση είναι αυτές οι κόρες….οι στιγμές και οι ετεροθαλείς αδερφές τους οι αλήθειες... Τα γαμίσια μεταξύ των απόκρυφων ονειρώξεων του S.Freud και των ατελείωτων εξισώσεων του A.Einstein είναι οι αιμομίκτες γονείς της εκάστοτε στιγμής και αλήθειας μας, οι νονοί των θεών και των δαιμόνων μας…
Και φτάνουμε στο τέλος με τα πάνω άκρα μας γεμάτα βέρες και τα κάτω ξεχειλωμένα και βαριά…πολυγαμικοί και ατιμασμένοι…με το κρίνο της Παναγίας στο πέτο, οικόσημο της μοναδικής ζωής μας.. με τη πένα του Δαρβίνου στο αυτί μας, οικοδόμοι του τύμβου μας… .ισορροπώντας στο σκοινί της εξέλιξης….με τα ένστικτα μας πληγωμένα γέρικα θεριά και τη φαιά μας ουσία να κοχλάζει…Η γριά κότα και το ζουμί της…δυστυχώς σε χύτρα ταχύτητας,...
Ζήτω τα μπαχάρια και το σκορδοστούμπι κάτω οι φούρνοι μικροκυμάτων και τα blender…
ΥΓ1: Να θυμηθώ αύριο να μου τον παίξουν για λίγο(ή να παίξω μόνος μου αν δεν μου κάτσει) μπας και ανανήψουν τα ένστικτα…
ΥΓ1: Να θυμηθώ αύριο να μου τον παίξουν για λίγο(ή να παίξω μόνος μου αν δεν μου κάτσει) μπας και ανανήψουν τα ένστικτα…
ΥΓ2: Να θυμηθώ αύριο να χαμηλώσω τη φωτιά γιατί μύρισε καμένο…
To Jackie O............
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

-Τα απαλά της χείλη μου προσφέρανε ένα αρωματισμένο και ζεστό ξύπνημα. Γέμισε το μυαλό μου εικόνες της αναγέννησης….Περιγραφή ενός φιλιού, Τετάρτη πρωί, πριν τη δουλειά…
-Γεμάτη λάμψη και με την γνωστή ασημένια απόχρωση της φάνηκε σήμερα η σελήνη. Το δάκρυ πάνω στο παγωμένο της μάγουλο την έφερε πιο κοντά της…Δεκέμβρης σε κάποιον Προφήτη-Ηλία…Ήταν που ήταν απογοήτευση η διαδρομή αφού ζαλίστηκε από τις στροφές, ήρθε κ το κρύο κ δεν άντεξε, τα έβαλε τα κλάματα η κοπελιά… .
-Το Amsterdam την άνοιξη είναι σαν να ανακαλύπτεις τον κήπο της Εδέμ .. Οι καρποί κ οι μυρωδιές απλώνονται στα πόδια σου… τα χρώματα του σαν να ξεπηδούν από ένα τηγάνι…σαν pop-corn…Απρίλης, κόκαλο ,περνάς από το μαγαζί που πουλά τα μανιταράκια πίνεις κ λίγο αψέντι κ τα ποπ-κορν χύνονται από το σακουλάκι….
-Σήμερα το τέλος της ομιλίας του Νεκτάριου Σφυροκεαφαλίδη μας βρήκε να αναρωτιόμαστε αν τελικά η σύμπτυξη με τους μέχρι πρότινος φονταμενταλιστές συμφοιτητές μας θα έχει περισσότερα πλεονεκτήματα. Η γιγάντωση μας ως κίνημα θέλει θυσίες. Αλλά ο παλμός της συγκέντρωσης μας δείχνει το δρόμο. ομιλία συντονιστή αριστερού εξωκοινοβουλευτικού φοιτητικού κινήματος στο τει Καλαμπάκας. ανακούφιση που θα έρθει κ κανένας άλλος να τρέξει για την εκδρομή στη Ρόδο..
Τα παραδείγματα μπορούν να συνεχιστούν…
Η γλώσσα μας προσφέρει και ίσως προδιαθέτει το λυρισμό κ την υπερβολή.
Αλλά δε χάθηκε και ο κόσμος να περιγράψεις μια στιγμή της ζωής σου έτσι όπως πραγματικά την έζησες. Γιατί δε νομίζω όλη η ελληνική blogo-κοινότητα να έχει σεξπηρικές επιρροές….
Μελό, βαρύγδουπες εκφράσεις, παραφορτωμένα μινι δοκίμια….μετά σου λέει γιατί γίνεται emo ο κοσμάκης…..
Jean Paul Sartre featuring John Lennon. Tonight at Panagea’s Soumela square… και το ακροατήριο να παραληρεί.. Oh lala!!!!!!!
Συγνώμη για τη προσβολή της ιερότητας των προσωπικών στιγμών σας..
Είμαι έντονα φορτισμένος συναισθηματικά. Πριν λίγες ώρες έχασα το αγαπημένο μου τριαντάφυλλο.. η εικόνα των μαραμένων πετάλων σκορπισμένα στο αφιλόξενο και υγρό έδαφος έκανε τη καρδιά μου να ραγίσει……
Η γλώσσα μας προσφέρει και ίσως προδιαθέτει το λυρισμό κ την υπερβολή.
Αλλά δε χάθηκε και ο κόσμος να περιγράψεις μια στιγμή της ζωής σου έτσι όπως πραγματικά την έζησες. Γιατί δε νομίζω όλη η ελληνική blogo-κοινότητα να έχει σεξπηρικές επιρροές….
Μελό, βαρύγδουπες εκφράσεις, παραφορτωμένα μινι δοκίμια….μετά σου λέει γιατί γίνεται emo ο κοσμάκης…..
Jean Paul Sartre featuring John Lennon. Tonight at Panagea’s Soumela square… και το ακροατήριο να παραληρεί.. Oh lala!!!!!!!
Συγνώμη για τη προσβολή της ιερότητας των προσωπικών στιγμών σας..
Είμαι έντονα φορτισμένος συναισθηματικά. Πριν λίγες ώρες έχασα το αγαπημένο μου τριαντάφυλλο.. η εικόνα των μαραμένων πετάλων σκορπισμένα στο αφιλόξενο και υγρό έδαφος έκανε τη καρδιά μου να ραγίσει……
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Αν δεχτούμε τη ζωή ως φωτεινό μεσοδιάστημα (Καζαντζάκης) τότε τα σκιερά διαλλείματα της, είναι προφητείες, είναι τα δίκια μας τα αγνώριστα…τα ατελή ..
Οι αγαπημένοι μας…
Οι σύντροφοι μας……
Εκεί που σκοντάφτουμε, εκεί από οπού κρατιόμαστε…….
Μας θυμίζουν το συνάφι μας, σημαδεύουν το μέλλον μας….
Αδιαίρετα κομμάτια η ζωή….
Παράταιρη(-λογη) στο σύνολο της, μα σαν τη βροχή απρόβλεπτα όμορφη κατα τη διάρκεια της….
*Ο χρόνος…ο αρσενικός ανταγωνιστής της τελειότητας…..
Στιγμές……οι νόθες κόρες του……
Έρωτας….η επαφή με τη σκιά μας….
Οι αγαπημένοι μας…
Οι σύντροφοι μας……
Εκεί που σκοντάφτουμε, εκεί από οπού κρατιόμαστε…….
Μας θυμίζουν το συνάφι μας, σημαδεύουν το μέλλον μας….
Αδιαίρετα κομμάτια η ζωή….
Παράταιρη(-λογη) στο σύνολο της, μα σαν τη βροχή απρόβλεπτα όμορφη κατα τη διάρκεια της….
*Ο χρόνος…ο αρσενικός ανταγωνιστής της τελειότητας…..
Στιγμές……οι νόθες κόρες του……
Έρωτας….η επαφή με τη σκιά μας….
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